Changing the way you look at life

Since 2041, BrightMind has been the leader of Integrated Intelligence®, ensuring a human-first approach to technology.

Case Study: Mina

Taking advantage of our Phoenix update, Mina was able to navigate intense grief and trauma, keeping the memory of her daughter alive for over 15 years and counting. Our data indicates that her choice has led to a 241% increase in predicted happiness over the same time period.

  • "Getting to spend time with my daughter is everything to me"

    Mina V.

  • "Knowing that every moment is malleable, it just gives me peace of mind."

    Jake M.

  • "It's given me the confidence to try something new - and I love that."

    Max M.

  • "The feeling of security and control is immeasurable. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

    Luca S.

BrightMind: FAQ

  • By Tethering your neural pathways with our technology, the possibilities are virtually limitless! A few common ways users leverage their Integrated Intelligence®:

    - LinkShare experiences with family and friends from anywhere in the world.

    - Control your reality by filtering or improving memories in real-time.

    - Maintain minimum-work thresholds autonomously.

    - Manage thousands of unique digital processes such as talking with friends, reading a book, or watching a movie - all at the same time.

    *Assumes work-thresholds are digital in nature.

  • BrightMind is free and accessible to everyone!

  • Simply apply the chip to the back of your neck, press firmly to engage the unit, and our technology will automatically engage with your body through our patented Subdermal Layered Surgery® technique, or SLS. Processing over 10,000 nanometer-thick layers of tissue per second, the chip applies a numbing agent to each layer as it implants - ensuring a fast and painless connection process. 

    The entire process is autonomous and takes less than 3 seconds.

  • Checking filters is disabled to protect our users' sense of reality. If you suspect someone has tampered with your filters against your will, please contact us immediately.

  • We recommend adding your child within 1-2 hours after birth to optimize neural pathway connections. Once integrated, your child’s profile will automatically be connected to yours.

  • It is not safe to remove BrightMind once implanted. Our technology pairs with your unique biology, and becomes a naturally functioning part of your body - just like breathing.

  • Data is collected anonymously at a population level to optimize our algorithms, and assess the workforce needs of your local governing body.

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